The region wise look at Clinton’s chances of being the next U.S President

The team Clinton this time is gearing up for a superb Hillary poll 2016. Hillary, as in Mrs. Hillary Clinton, is one of the most known faces, not only in the United States of America but also around the world. She has held offices in the past that have been prestigious to say the least, and that’s why she not only is a front runner for this upcoming election season, but she is also a pretty popular face to win it.

The early poll and primary poll trends suggest that she can easily win and take over the candidacy of the Democratic wing. While, some early results also predict that she can easily take on and challenge Donald Trump or any other candidate from the Republican Party for the final polls.

Of course, first she has to beat her opponent at the Democratic Primary, but that seems to under control as Clinton looks all but set to spearhead her party’s challenge for the most powerful office on earth.

The stronghold states for the Democrats:

Republicans are quite strong in the Southern States of the U.S; however even the Democrats have strong bases when it comes to battling between the states. If there is a polling face-off between the states in Hillary vs. the Republicans, the chances are that the Democrat strongholds will help her out for sure. States like the D.C, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York, Maryland, Minnesota, Illinois, Connecticut and Delaware are places where Hillary can easily put a strong hold upon. These states are surely going to poll in favour of the former First Lady of the U.S if she is indeed the main and winning candidate of the Democrats.

But, what about the other places?

Well, traditionally Democrats struggle a lot in the Southern States of the country. However, recent trends have suggested that Clinton’s charisma and appealing nature can change that notion somewhat. One of the biggest packages that she can offer to the people of the Southern States is Youth and Women oriented packages. And, simply, this can easily be a big game changer in the sport called Presidency of the United States of America.

Also, the African-American votes in the Southern states are also going to help her cause during the polling days. Besides this, the base of Obama is directly going to aid her bid. If there is a comprehensive review of Hillary Clinton polls by state, then she might actually do well.

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